Rounds offers a passive, non-threatening approach to patient mental health assessment.

One of the outcomes of the recent pandemic is a heightened awareness of the need to assess patient mental health. Regardless of the purpose for a patient visit, Rounds software can help you obtain behavioral health information during patient visits with real-time feedback and a built-in “alert” system.
A Simple Engagement approach
Simply add a PHQ-9 mental heath survey to your Rounds dashboard. As with other Rounds applications, your survey can be customized to meet your local requirements.

A passive, non-threatening approach
Rounds healthcare software administrators receive automatic email alerts when patients’ answers to certain questions in their Rounds surveys indicate a condition that may have been undetected during an appointment, such as experiencing a behavioral health crisis, physical abuse (SDOH), or substance abuse.
How it works
Patients are asked to take a 10-12 question Rounds survey before they leave the clinic following an appointment. Survey answers are saved in real-time and results are immediately available to clinic administrators. Rounds was initially designed to monitor patient satisfaction, quality of care and cost savings in healthcare clinic settings. We have added behavioral health, SDOH telemedicine follow up capabilities in the last two years. This makes Rounds a one-stop resource for engaging patients and having a 360 degree view of their overall health.
Rounds software has been used in over 175 clinic locations in 23 states and is the only healthcare software program that includes a built-in ROI Calculator™. That feature computes the cost savings healthcare providers realize from reduced patient ER visits and admissions as a consequence of clinic outcomes. Another exclusive Rounds reporting tool enables clinic adminstrators to compare their organization’s performance to other clinics that utilize the software.
Athenahealth EMR users can simultaneously append their patient answers to patients’ records